Welcome to the KC’s Best Chapter of the Brewery Collectibles Club of America. Our Chapter was formed in1974 and is comprised of more than 75 members who like “Breweriana” collecting (beer cans, beer bottles, beer signs, openers, and anything else beer-related).
We are part of a network of over 100 BCCA chapters world wide. Our chapter serves the Western Missouri and Eastern Kansas areas and we co-host three regional shows each year. One in Salina, Ks and two in Osage Beach, MO. The chapter also holds gatherings at various local craft breweries and conducts “brewpubbing” events several times a year. Plus, informal member collection tours, and occasional brewery private tours are held. Chapter members and their families are invited to attend all our events.
In addition, many chapter members attend the national BCCA CANvention held annually in late August or early September in different cities around the country, where 700 or more BCCA members gather to buy/sell/trade breweriana.
As part of the BCCA’s “Brewering Industry Partner” membership program, out Chapter sponsors two local craft breweries each year to recognize and support the KC local brewers.
Annual dues are $5, which includes a quarterly newsletter, The Best of KC’s Best, filled with breweriana collecting information, an up-to-date list of the KC area craft breweries, news on recent beer can releases, members spotlights and KC brewery history.
If you love beer, breweriana collecting and enjoy the camaraderie of sharing the hobby with other collectors, you will love being a member of our chapter.
Be sure to check back to our website regularly for updates on events and news.
To join our chapter, contact:
Bill Boyles at wlboyles@sbcglobal.net